Campaign Strategist - Illustrator - Typographer - Copy Writer

St. Helen’s Child Neglect Campaign

St. Helens Council presented my Art Foundation Class with a life brief. The winning design would be used to create flyers, pull-up banners, posters, leaflets and feature on the sides of buses and bus stops in key locations around the area.

(2021 - 2022)

Challenge: To raise awareness of neglected children in St. Helens and tackle this prevalent issue. To combat the stereotypical views of neglect portrayed in television adverts and films. To be engaging and informative for the general public and professional figures. Need to educate the public that it isn’t an abandoned, dirty child who is unfed - neglect comes in multiple forms.


Winning the pitch led to the production of 6 fully developed characters which were featured in hospitals, GP practices, the Town Hall, schools and on key bus routes to raise awareness of this issue in the form of posters, banners, electronic screens and leaflets.

Rear bus layout:


Rebrand for Garden Museum


Dapper - Fashion Brand Identity