Art Direction - Graphic Designer - Illustrator - Campaign Creator

Freelance Graphic Designer for Dentinal Tubules

Time at company: 2022 - Present

Current role: social media content creator, campaign concepts and promotional material designer.

Previous work: Brand guidelines book for all members of the team to refer to.

After being part of Dentinal Tubules for over half a year, I created a 34-page brand guideline document for myself and the team to follow to help create a cohesive brand image. In addition, it shared the brand’s journey, qualities and aspirations to help unify the team and any new members.

Social Media & Promotional Content

“Charlotte engaged as part of our team in the summer of 2022. She has been in charge of leading the creative design for the brand. During this time, she was asked to create new design elements to bring the brand to life on social media, as well as build brand guidelines.

The team at Dentinal Tubules were impressed with her initial presentation. They particularly loved her out of box ideas that expressed genuine creative thinking. This has increased our social media followership and helped build the brand story.

Another aspect was that this creativity was not random. She had taken time to understand the personality of the brand and the brand's life story. The creativity related to this and bringing this personality to life.

She continues to keep this life spirit alive with the work she does”

- Dhru Shah (Founder of Dentinal Tubules)

A series of comics were commissioned to help our target audience recognise their problem and how Dentinal Tubules is their solution. Below are the final outcomes.


NHS Live Brief